Sunday, December 10, 2017

My 10 Tips For Staying Fit This Holiday Season!!!

Are you worried about gaining a few pounds over the holidays?  With all of the office, family and friend "get-togethers" it's hard not to  be a little concerned about over eating.  But why not enjoy a little of the festivities, relax at the parties and partake just a bit.  You are on the road into health and fitness, but sometimes we hit a few potholes in that road.  Here are some tips to make that road a little smoother...   Follow my top 10 tips and let me help you stay on track!!
  1. It's okay to "cheat" (with food and drink, that is!), but do it in MODERATION! Take a sampling of different foods.  Choose a small, snack sized plate to fill up.  It will look full, but it will have LESS on the plate than a full sized plate.  If you are at a buffet, for instance, go to the dessert station for a dessert sized plate (don't take the dessert first!) and fill up that size instead of a larger plate.  
  2. MAKE A DATE WITH A FRIEND:  A date for exercise!!  If you have a plan to meet someone, you are more likely to do that exercise than if that date didn't exist!
  3. I know we run around like crazy buying gifts, decorations, going to parties, etc, but it is important TO TAKE OUT TIME FOR YOURSELF AND GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF SOME EXERCISE!! Set a side even 30 minutes to move!  We would love to help you SWEAT at Crank It Up!!  Check out our schedule of classes and come on down!  You make the commitment and we will take care of the rest!
  4. Drink plenty of WATER!!  Water is key...  key to cleaning out your system, key to mental clarity, key to FEELING FULL!!  When you are at a festive occasion, have a big, glass of water instead of an alcoholic beverage.  Put in a lemon wedge for flavor, but DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER!!
  5. Try NOT to keep tempting, fattening, dangerous foods around the house.  If you bring a dessert to a party, leave it there. If you are baking, wrap up and give the extras to your neighbors... you get the picture.  If it's around, it's pretty hard not to "knosh"!!
  6. If you can't get in even a 30 minutes Total Body Workout, try for 100 CORE EXERCISES A DAY!  WHAT?  100?  YES!!!  100!!  Maybe you want to make them 100 crunches..  do fifty traditional crunches, 25 with a twist to one side and 25 with a twist to the other and you are done.  YOU CAN DO THIS DURING A COMMERCIAL!!!!  OR you can view a set of exercises we did last year for an American Diabetes Association fundraiser.  Click here: 
  7. Core Challenge Exercises
  8. Try not to drink too much alcohol (if any).  I know it's out there, but the calorie content is so high in alcoholic beverages, you feel lousy the next morning and are less apt to want to work out if you feeling kinda yuck!  Alcohol is so hard on your body.  If you drink already and then eliminate it, you will feel stronger, healthier and your body will have a better overall glow.  It is taxing on the liver and other organs as well!
  9. Start a new tradition in your house!  After eating a large meal, even with tons of guests over, go for a group walk.  Everyone will enjoy the conversation, the change of scenery and definitely the fresh air!  You will feel better, get the heart pumping and the blood flowing and burn off some of your calories!!
  10. Try to stick to 3 main meals a day, plus 2-3 small snack in between.   Just because it's the holidays and things are crazy, make sure that you eat at proper intervals.. don't starve yourself going store to store trying to find that perfect gift and then cram everything you see into your mouth when you get home.  Take the time out to eat at the proper intervals of time!!  
  11. LAUGH!!! Laughing released tension!  Laughing burns calories!!  Don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy the season, SMILE, GIGGLE, CHUCKLE, GUFFAW!!!  

Please remember, that if you do indulge a little too much, it's doesn't mean that you have give up your road to health and fitness. It just means that maybe you will want to do a little more for your workout... bump it up just a bit!  Don't feel bad, feel good about the holiday season... enjoy... relish in your blessings/gifts/good fortune... be grateful for the miracle that you may celebrate this holiday season, but also for the everyday beautiful occurrences that happen all of the time...find the beauty in your ordinary!!

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